(This post is in partnership with Bulletproof but all opinions are my own)
There is something about the morning.
The crisp air, the sounds of the birds, the peaceful blanket of calmness I sense around me and the smell of coffee- it all just gets me.
For as long as I can remember, I have been a surefire morning person. But I haven't always had a morning routine that involved self-care.
Sure, I would make some coffee and breakfast, but I would typically be simultaneously racing to get dressed, putting on some make up and scrambling to get out the door on time so I was not late to work.
It was anything but calm and peaceful.

It all started to shift about 4 or 5 years ago when I went to a meditation training. It was 3 days long and located in Venice Beach, led by the talented Light Walkins. That experience opened my eyes to a world I otherwise might not have been exposed to.
That is when my mornings began to change a little. I started meditating 20 minutes before work which meant waking up 25 minutes earlier (ugh). Unfortunately, I was not very consistent with it, but I sure as hell noticed a difference in my ability to focus on days when I made time to meditate.
Eventually though, I fall out of practice with it almost completely and only meditated from time to time for the next couple years. My mornings resorted back to being a rushed and chaotic experience (I used to have to wake up at 5am to open my restaurant it was brutal)
But, in the last year it has become an integral part of my day, overall life and in essence, my business.

There is a polarizing difference in how I show up each day for myself, my clients, my work and the people in my life when I am consistent with my morning routine.
Without doubt it is the single most important item on my "to-do" list. Like not kidding you guys- its like magic.
I am more intuitive, peaceful, calm and happy. The anxiety, stress, doubt and nervousness seems to melt away. I get so much more done on days when I work an hour less and use that time for my routine then if I open up my computer right away.
Throughout the year I have seen a huge difference in how much I enjoy my life when I start my day with my routine instead of just driving face first into emails or down an instagram scroll hole- you feel me?
Like I attract more clients when I am in the flow with my routine and my clients get better results when I spend time each day powerfully showing up for myself.
Its like I am connecting to something deeper, spiritual even and totally woo woo. But I'm into it.
My boyfriend and I have more fun and connection when I take the morning for myself. The food I make seems to taste better. LA traffic doesn't get under my skin and... gosh I dunno. My experience of life is just different.
So to say the least, morning routines are worth investing in. (And if you are anight owl- you can flip flop it and make a nightly routine too :))
One part of mine is making a version of Bulletproof Coffee and sipping it slowly while I write in my gratitude journal and read a book. I have been drinking this version of bulletproof coffee for over a year and I can say without doubt that it has changed my ability to focus and be productive.
Brain Octane oil has changed my energy levels, increased my brain cognition (whats brain fog?), and has really helped keep me feeling full after breakfast until lunch time.

I never use my coffee as a meal replacement-FYI. I always have the coffee and some food.
Here is the actual recipe but I am not one for following rules, you know me, lol, so here is my recipe for how I do mine!
And be sure to download my Magic Morning Routine guide so you can learn more about what I do first thing upon waking and how to create one for yourself.
CK's Bulletproof Coffee
1 scoop collagen Peptides
1 tbsp Bulletproof Brain Octane
Blend everyting on high in a vitamix or other high speed blender until frothy. About 1 minute.

Get my Magic Morning Routine and guide to creating your own sent to your inbox. Click HERE.